Friday, February 18, 2011

So Long 2010. HELLO 2011!!!

2010 was full of so many beautiful moments: bliss, trials, victories, new songs, old songs, new friends, CHANGE, deep worship, conviction.

Only 21 yrs. old still and feel like I am going on 30yrs. A lot of life seems to have happened. A few moments ago, my fiancée (Brian) came up and kissed my cheek. The words, "I still want to do so many things...." left my mouth. This past year I have gotten to see so many young men and women, sons and daughters of the King encounter God in worship. A few months ago, I was leading worship at The ROCK CHURCH here in SD. I was singing a song by Chris Tomlin called, "God of this City". There is a line in it that says, "Greater things have yet to come, greater things are still to be done..." In the last service that Sunday, the Holy Spirit fell on me a spoke to my heart. The words I had been singing, the truth I had been believing for years FINALLY seemed to hit the bottom of my heart. That lyric shook me to my core and I have never been the same since.

For years I have been guilty of running after a dream, a vision in my own strength and limited understanding. The weight of all that I hope to see, do, touch, and taste all the sudden felt so far away and unattainable. In that moment I realized that somewhere in the last couple of years, I had begun to depend more on my ability to accomplish GOD'S VISION for my life than GOD Himself. I remembered God doesn't call the able, He enables the called. Nothing I had seen in 2 albums time and 3 years on ministry was in my own doing AND nothing I will see the years of ministry to come have anything to do with what I earn on my own. Grace is a gift to me and you.

I WAS REFRESHED. I am being refreshed. My heart is so full.

The last 3 months of 2010 I decided to take a step back and return to my roots with music, my secret place with Jesus, pure worship. I recently went back and listened to my last two albums and some of my early tunes, first songs. I wept. I began to remember what it was like to sit down and just sing to Lord because I LOVED IT! There was no other place I would rather be. No agenda, just an overflow of my heart. Not writing for a label, to meet an expectation, my band mates, producer, not anyone, just... spontaneous worship to my King.

All this said, my music has not been on hold... if anything it has been moving forward! I have had to return to the place where I believe and am content only sharing my heart and songs with Jesus. It's been so good. I KNOW God is faithful to complete every good work He has begun in me. I am working on a new project with an amazing team on people. I am uncertain of the release date and in no way am going to attempt to rush the hand of God. I will take the perfect will of God over any record deal ANY day! Please be praying for strength to wait and trust in the Lord with all my heart, to never settle for anything but the best!

So to you- I pray that as you read this, you will be released from any hovering expectation or oppression. God desires to see you, know you, and bring you into freedom- His glorious light. There is so much ahead that we can’t even fathom or touch. I pray for an increase of faith in all of us, so that we may see that HE is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask or imagine. Let’s move forward and believe that He is God of the impossible! Open up the heavens on us God.

Things to come:

A Happy New Year!

New Worship!

A wedding <3

Greater Things...

"Lord I give You my heart, I give You soul. I live for you alone. Every breath that I take, every moment I am awake- Lord have your way in me!"

I love you all and I am excited to share many new songs and Jesus encounters with you in 2011.

-Haley <3


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Beautiful Girl...thank u for letting us join u in your lovely worship...for these words were pure worship. I LOVE GOD! I LOVE JESUS, HE IS GOD! For He alone would have known to put these words upon your heart....just for me....