Monday, February 23, 2009

"Worth It"

Worth It

"I want to be the man that my father couldn't be. I want to be the role model that our children rarely get to see/ I want to be the husband that my mother looked for but settled for less so her heart broke more/ I watched this with clinched fist and my heart tore/ therefore I want to make my wife secure and reassured that I will never love any one more/ in times of happiness I will cherish, in hard times we will endure/ If my wife happens to be the type that's been hurt in life it is my job to restore/ if she is more insecure then usual everyday I will reinforce her worth and not just tell her but show her that she's beautiful/ Heavenly Father make me so far away from usual/ I want to be there in the classification of rare/ to prepare a generation that make's MEN and transforms them form a rare occasion to the expectation/ Now ladies let me ask you a question. Are you humble enough to take a rebuke or would you dispute?/ I don't care either way cause I'm going to tell you the truth/ if you are continually mistreated and you refuse to give him the boot that's on you/ you need to be smart about it. next time a dude comes your way with some rico suave game to say, before he gets to talkin' stop him/ ask him for a resume tell him you need references. if good character isn't evident and integrity prevalent don't except it/ they say they are a Christian. that could be fiction. / you need to quiz them pertaining to the Word and biblical wisdom/ to see if they are mature or a novice/ how can they know what love is if they don't know who God is/ Because that's what God is "LOVE"/ In your life time you will come a cross a multitude of dudes that say they love you but it's not true/ other will subdue the fraze manipulate it in was were only part of the characteristic is portrayed that kind of love will fade/when you are looking for love do not settle for anything less then that ride or die love/ that always going to try love/ that no matter if you gain a little weight. not quite that same shape as our first date but make no mistake i love you a hundred time more this date then that date kind of love/ that 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 kind of love that John 15:13 kind of love/ that i will die for you. lay down my life for you kind of love/ that Love like Jesus does/ if a man cannot present you pure and holy with out blemish before the Father you shouldn't bother/ Your heart you should cherish. make them work for it because your worth it."

-Clister (SD, California)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh Nashville... "The City of Music."

So here it is.

I leave for Nashville in less than 4 days (this Saturday to be specific.) "The City of Music". More and more I am coming to realize I am just another fish in this fat fish bowl. Questions to ponder: What kind of fish am I? Hand down there are bigger fish, but how much bigger? Is a shark a fish? :)

I'm a little nervous, but more than nervous- excited. I love people and I know I'm going to be meeting lots of them. I get to play 3 or maybe more times while I'm out there, which is super sweet. My new found friend Art, who is a sound engineer in Nashville, is going to be showing me the city and be doing most of the introducing. He is a pretty cool guy.
I don't own any cowboy boats...whoops, hehe. I meant boots. I don't think I want to. My Van's will do. I think it’s more about being you and sticking out, than trying to blend in. Some other things I have been thinking about as I get ready to go.

"...You belong to God and have overcome them, because he who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world." 1 John 4:4

I love this verse. It lifts my spirit. There is nothing in this world that has a hold on me. God has THE hold on me and nothing, no one is this world can take me from that place. No matter how intense or crazy the battle gets, He has ultimately won my victory. And that's it.

"In quietness and trust is your strength." It's TRUTH- whether I get it or not. In my everyday thinking, spinning and doing always seems to be the answer. I want God to change my way of thinking and give me His way of thinking. A God centered perspective, and eternal perspective. It is just so easy to get caught up in the logistics and details the world throws at you. I'm ineffective when I am living in this place. When I am living in this, it becomes about my kingdom and THE KINGDOM. In the stillness, God meets me and reminds me of these things. I'm not a big deal, I'm apart of a big deal.

So I'm thankful that this is where my heart is right before I go. I can't wait to see what God does in and out of my time in Nashville... because the TRUTH is, "He is Faithful to complete every good work He has begun..." Philippians 1:6
Thanks for reading and being apart of my journey :)