Saturday, June 7, 2008

Breakthrough now on iTunes!

Haley's debut EP album Breakthrough is now available for instant purchase and download, thanks to the fine folks at Apple iTunes!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Breakthrough Tour Testimony

This is rad.
Below is a true story from my first tour. I love moments where I am reminded that I am nothing apart from God. It is only by His grace and love for me, that my life becomes worth something. The more churches I visit and places i sing, I realize we will never know the fruit of our ministry. Even when it seems or worse... FEELS like we made no difference or impact, God is faith to move and speak despite us. DESPITE ME! Even though I might mess things up sometimes... OK, a lot of the time... God can still and CHOOSES to use me. Crazy.

Anywho, read this story :) It is very cool.

"Haley, Kevin & Band: I wanted to write you this email and tell you something that happened after your concert. Our youth just loved you guys and it really meant alot to them, Haley, that you justed messed around with them a bit and had some fun with them afterwards. I know I had fun with you all! I was dancing more than all the kids and told them they needed to learn how to have more fun and dance and learn to enjoy the Lord! There were only a couple kids that came I did not know, but that was what I was hoping for....only lots more of them.

Tuesday morning, the day after your concert here, This a woman called my office while I had someone in my office for a counselling appt. I rarely answer a phone when someone has an appt with me; but for some reason I picked up the phone to answer this time. She was crying and asked me if our church had some kind of youth event or concert last night. She lives somewhere near our church, she said, and thought it was us. At first I thought she was calling to complain that the music was too loud if she lived close by (never loud enough for me ). But then she said, "I just wanted you to know that someone there touched my son last night." Then my fear turned to panic taking what she said the wrong way.

I asked her what she meant and she said, "I have a teenage son who is very angry all the time and resentful. She said she had no control over him and for whatever reason he was yelling at her and took his sleeping bag walking out the door and said he would never be back." He intended to run away from home and when he walked by our church he heard the band and saw all of our youth and came in. He stayed for the concert and then afterwards talked with some of our youth about what he was going through. The few of our youth he was talking to told him he was making a mistake to run away and that he needed to "suck it up" and go home, make it right with his Mom, and give God a chance. And that is what he did. His mother told me her son came home changed and calm and talked it out with her.

She was crying while telling me all this and said, "I just wanted to call and say "thank you" that your church touched my son when he heard the concert and stopped and she was so grateful because she was fearful of what might happen to her son when he ran away."

So even though the turnout was disappointing, just maybe it was all for him. In that was worth it all. But truthfully, it was not all for him for those of us here really loved you and do want to have you back. Anyhow, I wanted to share that with you about the mom who called. "

Monday, June 2, 2008

First Steps... "2008 New Beginnings."

2008... the Year of NEW BEGINNINGS.

Numbers totally have meanings. Like 7 is the number of completion. Well, 8 just so happens to mean new beginnings. This number seems to be a trend in my life, but I didn't realize it until this year... so that explains the title :)

"Northern Cali Tour!" (May 26 - June 4)

The past couple of weeks has been unreal! I am out on my FIRST tour ever and I can not explain fully how amazing it has been. The band is here with me to... they are all so awesome. Oh and BONUS- two bass players. (not at the same time, just different parts of the tour.) So I have gotten to work and be close with some of the most amazing musicians known to man. I am so blessed by them musically and seriously at a heart level. I go to band practice some times just asking God, "How, when, and huh? How did I get so lucky?" OK, so back to the tour stuff...

It has always been one of my favorite things to hear all the voices in worship at church. For a really long time I wouldn't sing on purpose, just so I could hear every one around me cry out this the same God. There was something about it that tugged on my heart and drew me in to the same place... seemed like home. I grew up in the church but I am pretty sure this is how I FIRST met the Lord, truly experienced Him... in worship.It is something else to see fruits of your ministry. The fact that God would use us at all in mind boggling. I have had so many moments on this tour where I just realize how fortunate and undeserving I am. I remember when I first started writing music... (I was a little turkey) and just trying to picture other people knowing or even singing a song a had written. Impossible. Well OK, maybe my mom would know my songs, but only because I sang them all around the house 24/7. This tour it was like I got to experience that miracle.

Straight up GRACE. There was so many times where I just had to stop singing and pull away from the mic because it was so overwhelming. There have been so many thoughts that have been going thought my head. Maybe you can relate to some of them:

"God, how could You use me. ME, Haley... What have I done up until this point in my life to deserve this experience. I'm so average. There's nothing special about me... I am just as messed up as the next person. Why do you use the broken. Your able to do anything and everything on your own, but you still choose to use us. Not only do you choose us but You call us by name. By name. Our name is important and significant to you... What?! I don't get this crazy LOVE of Yours."

It is crazy to be in this process. You dream dreams for so long... and then what? You wake up and your living them. That's what this experience has felt like. I am kinda scared. A little nervous. WAY excited! Its rad to think the God begins preparing us for what He has called us to way before we are aware of it. Like domino's. Good events, bad events, all leads us to Him it seems. If we are able to see it that way. That's what I have been praying... that I would have those kinds of eyes. I remember being about 5 yrs. old and learning this verse-

"For God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind."
2 Timothy 1:7

I used to pray it every night as a girl. Well here I am, a young women now... praying that same prayer every time step on to a stage or stand in front of a mic. Its been nice to realize this past year or so that I will never be perfect, meet my expectations, or other peoples expectation of me. And that's OK, God doesn't call that version of me. He calls the broken, dorky, imperfect, smack your head on a microphone on the way back up from dropping a pick in the middle of a show... Haley. It is what it is. I am who I am... and God loves who that is. So truth of the matter-I should to. Definitely takes some pressure off.

Well these are just a few lessons I have been learning and felt like sharing. More to come, I'm sure of it.
